Little League Elbow

Las Vegas’ Orthopedic Elbow Specialists

What is a Little League Elbow?

Little league elbow, also called medial apophysitis, is an overuse condition that occurs when there is overstress or injury to the inside portion of the elbow. It is commonly seen in children involved in sports activities that require repetitive throwing, such as baseball.

Causes of Little League Elbow

Children use the elbow joint repetitively to throw the baseball, which creates stress on the muscles and ligaments attached to the elbow’s inner side. The growth plate at the bone ends becomes inflamed, or it may break from the upper arm in severe cases. One of the risk factors that causes this condition is a misguided training regime.

Symptoms of Little League Elbow

The most common symptoms include elbow pain, tenderness, swelling on the inner side of the elbow, restricted motion, and locking of the elbow joint. Pain is increased upon pressing the inner side of the elbow.

Diagnosis of Little League Elbow

Your doctor will perform a physical examination of your child’s elbow. Further, your doctor may also request an X-ray to see if there is a break in the growth plate.

Treatment Options for Little League Elbow

Immediately following an injury and before being evaluated by a doctor, you should initiate the PRICE treatment method.

  • Protection: The purpose of protection is to avoid further injury. You can protect against the damage by applying a bandage, aluminum splint, protective tape, or braces.
  • Rest: Rest the elbow, as more damage could result from putting pressure on the injured area. If the injury is not treated, it can lead to complications such as ligament tear, cartilage injury, and growth disturbance.
  • Ice: Applying ice packs to the injured area will help to diminish swelling and pain. Ice should be applied over a towel to the affected area for 15-20 minutes, four times a day for several days. Never place ice directly over the skin.
  • Compression: Wrapping the elbow with an elastic bandage will help minimize the swelling and support the elbow.
  • Elevation: Ensure that your child elevates the elbow above heart level, as it will reduce swelling and pain.

The treatment options include non-surgical and surgical treatment. The conservative or non-surgical options include:

  • Medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • After the pain has subsided, your doctor may suggest initiation of a rehabilitation program which includes strengthening and stretching exercises to develop strength and muscle control.

Surgical treatment may be required in severe cases if there is a break in the bone. Surgery is performed in girls above 12 years and boys above 14 years. The surgical method involves the removal of loose fragments of bone, bone grafting, and reattachment of the ligament back to the bone.

Some measures to prevent little leaguer’s elbow include reducing the number of pitches a child throws. Before starting with the activity, your child should perform warm-up exercises.

Ready to treat your elbow injury?

Schedule an appointment today with an Ortho Las Vegas Specialist.