Broken Finger

Las Vegas’ Orthopedic Hand Specialists

A broken finger, also known as a finger fracture, is a common injury that involves a break or fracture in one or more of the bones of the finger. The fingers are composed of three main bones called phalanges, with the exception of the thumb, which has two phalanges. Finger fractures can occur in any of these bones and can vary in severity from a small crack to a complete break that causes the bone to shift out of alignment.

Finger fractures are often caused by a direct blow to the finger, a crushing injury, or a fall onto the hand. They can also result from twisting or bending the finger with force. Athletes, particularly those involved in contact sports, and individuals who use their hands in manual labor are at a higher risk of sustaining finger fractures.

Symptoms of a broken finger may include:

  • Pain at the site of the fracture, often worsened by movement or pressure.
  • Swelling and bruising around the finger.
  • Deformity or misalignment of the finger.
  • Inability to move or bend the finger properly.
  • Tenderness and discomfort when touched.

Diagnosing a broken finger typically involves a physical examination, review of medical history, and imaging tests such as X-rays. X-rays help determine the location and severity of the fracture, as well as whether the bone has shifted out of alignment.

Treatment for a broken finger depends on the type and location of the fracture. In general, treatment options include:

  • Immobilization: For simple fractures that are not displaced, the finger might be splinted or buddy-taped to the adjacent finger to provide support and immobilization while the bone heals.
  • Casting: More complex fractures might require casting to hold the bone in place during the healing process.
  • Reduction: In cases where the fracture is displaced or misaligned, a healthcare provider might need to manually manipulate the bone back into its proper position through a procedure called reduction.
  • Surgery: Severe fractures that cannot be aligned properly or that involve joint surfaces might require surgical intervention to realign the bones and secure them with pins, screws, or plates.
  • Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications might be recommended to manage pain and discomfort.

Healing time for a broken finger can vary depending on the severity of the fracture, the bone involved, and the individual’s overall health. Proper medical evaluation and treatment are important to ensure the bone heals correctly and to prevent complications such as malunion or chronic pain.

If you suspect you have a broken finger, it’s advisable to seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

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