What are Tendon Injuries?

Tendons are strong fibrous cords that connect muscle to bone. When you overstretch a tendon, it can rupture (tear) entirely or partially. This tendon rupturing due to overstretching is known as a tendon injury. You typically feel a snap or popping sensation when you rupture your tendon, followed by a sharp pain that will likely affect your mobility and muscle function. Surgery is often regarded as the best treatment.

What are the Causes of Tendon Injuries?

Tendon injuries occur due to gradual wear and tear of the tendon from aging or overuse. People who perform repetitive actions as part of their jobs, sports, or activities of daily living are more prone to damaging a tendon. A tendon injury can occur gradually or suddenly if the tendon has weakened over time.

What are the Symptoms of Tendon Injuries?

Some of the symptoms associated with tendon injuries are:

  • Tenderness or pain near or at a joint, particularly around a wrist, elbow, shoulder, or ankle
  • Thickening or swelling of the tendon near the joint
  • Stiffness which restricts the joint movement
  • Crepitus or a crunchy sound feeling on using the tendon

How are Tendon Injuries Diagnosed?

To diagnose a tendon injury, your doctor will review your symptoms and medical history, perform a physical examination, and order specific diagnostic tests.

A physical examination will typically evaluate the passive and active range of motion and resisted movements.

Your doctor may suggest diagnostic tests such as an X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI if symptoms are severe and do not improve with treatment and to help determine tendon tears, thickening, swelling, as well as ligament, cartilage, and muscle injury.

What are the Treatments Options Associated with Tendon Injuries?

Some of the standard treatment options for tendon injuries include:

  • Rest and elevation of the affected tendon
  • Application of heat and ice
  • Use of a compression bandage on the affected area to reduce swelling
  • Use of medications such as pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Range of motion exercises to improve mobility and strengthen muscles
  • Assistive devices such as braces, splints, or cane
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Abstaining from tobacco as smoking delays tissue and wound healing

How can Tendon Injuries be Prevented?

Some of the steps you can follow to lower your chances of developing a tendon injury include:

  • Stretches and warm-ups before exercises
  • Keeping physically fit through regular exercise and building muscle tone
  • Avoiding overuse and repetitive motions
  • Sitting in a proper posture while working at a desk
  • Moving around periodically without remaining in the same position for long
  • Using proper equipment during sports activities and at work

Ready to treat your tendon injury?

Schedule an appointment today with an Ortho Las Vegas Specialist.